Letter No silver bullet solution to climate change problem
When I was young, I believed in one world and saving the planet; in those distant days we had protest songs and we had dreams but sadly those days are long gone - we now have global modelling.
Our Prime Minister tells us we are leading the world in climate change; I only wish it were true. The Green Party, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace are good at giving advice but they forget what they’re asking is ruining the planet and it’s killing people in the Third World but they don’t care.
They want the poor in this country to give money so they can take high wages and live the nice life; they don’t care that people in the Third World are starving because they say wind farms are the answer; you want an electric car and that’s fine because they tell you you are the saving the planet. You are not, you’re killing it.
There are no silver bullets, it’s a dream. Our Chancellor said ‘I’m not apologising for this budget, I’m not apologising for sending children to bed hungry, starving in horrible housing and freezing conditions; the parents can work longer.
‘I’m not taxing greedy landlords, Amazon, Google, Twitter and other multinationals; I’m not apologising for not making a fairer society, the rich deserve to be rich’; I’m not cutting 5% tax of the gas and electricity to make it marginally a little cheaper for the British people to have a little more heat. Not apologising no not, him he can afford his electricity.
He’s reduced taxation on alcohol putting an extra burden on the NHS; he’s made sure that the poorest in the world pay for whatever Glasgow decide. This government had choices but decided to make the poor pay and the children pay the most as always.
Barry Maguire sang on Eve of Destruction “you tell me over and over again my friend you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destructionâ€. If we’re not we should be and let the animals run the asylum.
Ian Greenhalgh
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