Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Mon, 16 Aug 2021 11:31:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 I’m Coming After You! Minister Babalanda Issues Stern Warning to RDCs Over COVID-19 Money Mon, 16 Aug 2021 11:10:46 +0000 Minister for the Presidency Milly Babirye has threatened punitive action against Residential District/ City Commissioners (RDCs/RCCs) implicated in the misappropriation of the funds meant to facilitate COVID-19 task forces in their respective districts.

The minister’s warning resulted from concerns raised by radio callers during her recent visit to a local radio station in Kampala, along with many others.

She reiterated her unshakable determination to fight corruption and warned that no excuses will be entertained from official who fall short in terms of accountability. She also noted that all RDCs/ RCCs will have to account for the money disbursed and those that fall short will have to answer.

Babalanda also cautioned against falsified accountabilities, noting that her office is prepared to carry out extensive audits of the cash as part of her intensive efforts against graft.

Following the declaration of the second lockdown by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in June, the Office of the President disbursed funds to the RDCs as Chairpersons of the respective District COVID-19 Task Forces.

“As a result of HE the President’s directives to combat COVID19, funds have been released to support emergency Response Activities,” Reads the July 14 notice addressed to the RDCs/ RCCs and signed by Hajji Yunusu Kakande, the Secretary Office of the President.

“The funds under the COVID-19 emergency response will cater for the following activities: Fuel, Protective gears, Office imprest, Safari day allowances, and fuel for the surveillance team,” Continued Kakande’s notice.

As per the instructions in the notice, Shs 3,600,000 was provided for fuel for 30 days, 500,000 for office operations,, 390,000 for lunch allowances while 1,290,000 was to cater for protective gears such as gloves, masks, disinfectants for RDCs, D/RDCs, DISOs and DDISOs.

Early this month, the office of the president issued out its contacts to the public as a way of facilitating the free flow of information, a move that is believed to have greatly impacted on the direct interactions between the Presidency and the public.

A toll free line, 0800320320 was provided as a chain link between the office of the president and the public and a conduit in the fight against graft and poor service delivery.

]]> We don’t believe in your comedy shows-NUP leaders react over Museveni’s security address Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:15:29 +0000 The National Unity Platform (NUP) leaders have said thy will never believe in President Yoweri Museveni’ words until he walks the talk by punishing human rights abusers in security forces he keeps on castigating.

On Saturday night while addressing the nation on security issues, President Museveni blamed ruthless members of the security forces for beating, torturing, arresting and killing civilians.

“You are not allowed to kill anybody for any reason other than at the battle or condemned by the court. Keeping people in jail for a long period without trial is not allowed, the idea of safe custody I don’t buy it. Because jails are not stores for people. Deporting foreigners without trials should be stopped. Foreigners should be handled legally. Nobody should be in the uniform of the country if he does not respect the people of Uganda. We did not allow the beating of people and the children,” said Museveni over the weekend.

However, appearing on NTV Uganda on Monday, the leader of NUP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine said Museveni was busy lying to the nation instead of arresting all perpetrators behind the torture of Ugandans since he knows them and he is the one who orders them to beat and kill people.

“This same hypocritical Museveni who says that he does not murder political opponents is the one who ordered all the brutalities we saw in the last elections. Museveni is one person who says a word and shamelessly goes against it. He wrote in his book that ‘Africa’s problems are the leaders that overstay in power but he has stayed on power for 36 years and is the same person who said that he will never be president beyond 75 years but he is still the president. Let him come out and punish the perpetrators them we shall believe in his statements,” Bobi Wine said.

Francis Zaake, ehe Mityana Municipality Member of Parliament also a leader in NUP was also amazed by President Museveni’s speech.

Zaake has been tortured by security forces on countless times.

“As if he was campaigning, Museveni is the same person who thanked his SFC boys for beating us and killing Yasin Kawuma in Arua. Now if I hear him eating his words I personally see him as a comedian until he comes out and arrests those boys of his who have been killing and torturing young people for over three years now, ” Zaake said.

NUP spokesperson Joel Ssenyonyi also termed President Museveni’s words as a joke of the month because he has kept on praising people who have been killing and torturing Ugandans instead of apprehending them.

“We shall not go by Mr. Museveni’s words because what he says is different from what he does. Until he does what the law requires of him and punishes the persons behind torturing and Killing Ugandans, I see him as a joker. Because those who tortured people in Arua are known. Gen Elwelu who killed hundreds of people in Kasese he has always been promoting him instead of punishing him. So we don’t believe in his statements.”

]]> 4 shocking reasons why happily married women cheat on their husbands Mon, 16 Aug 2021 08:47:33 +0000 If you’re under the impression that it’s mostly men who cheat on their wives, then you are mistaken. According to new research, many married women are seeking affairs for romance and sexual satisfaction without any plans of divorcing their partner.

The research, which looked at 100 heterosexual, married females between the ages of 35 and 45 and their online conversations with potential suitors on discreet dating service, found that 67 percent of the women seeking an affair cited the desire for more passion.

“The most predictable thing about a relationship is that the longer it progresses, the quality and the frequency of sex between the couple will fade,” says Eric Anderson, co-author of the study, a professor of masculinity, sexuality and sport at the University of Winchester in England and the chief science officer at “This is because we get used to and bored with the same body.” The boredom of marriage drains intimacy of excitement.

Cheating With No Plans to Divorce

Surprisingly, many women lusting for extramarital intimacy have no intention of divorcing their husbands.

Anderson explains that all of the women evaluated in the study had no desire to leave their husbands. Instead, they were adamant that they were NOT looking for a new husband. “Many even stated their overt love for their husbands, painting them in a positive light,” says Anderson.

Rather than seeking multiple partners, women in the study exclusively wanted an affair with only one man.

A Monogamous Affair

Women get lost in the boredom and monotony of marriage, according to Dr. Jane Greer, a New York-based marriage and sex therapist and author of How Could You Do This to Me? Learning to Trust After Betrayal. When they want to feel like they’re special and adored, they tend to seek only one partner to fulfill that need if their husband isn’t meeting it. “They look for Prince Charming who makes them feel like a beautiful princess and can make them feel appreciated again.”

Anderson also reasoned that women only have affairs with one man because of the need to feel emotionally connected in order to be satisfied sexually.

Men, on the other hand, tend to cheat with many women. There’s less risk of exposure when emotional connection doesn’t come into play, according to Dr. Greer.

“Men don’t want to keep all their eggs in one basket; they’ll cheat with multiple women so they don’t become too invested,” explains Dr. Greer. “There’s also less of a chance that the other woman will make demands on him to leave his spouse.”

The Implication of Gender Roles

Throughout history, men have been rewarded for being ‘men.’ From being hunters to protectors and breadwinners, the socially constructed gender role of ‘being a man’ has been to be powerful and successful in all aspects of life â€" including sex.

Men are rewarded for having multiple sexual partners, which Anderson notes as being a ‘stud.’ Women, on the other hand, are stigmatized as ‘sluts’ when they have multiple partners.

Anderson reasons that women only sleep with one over many partners to avoid being deemed a ‘slut.’ “One way of telling themselves that they’re not ‘sluts’ is to say that they’re desiring monogamy with their infidelity, and that monogamy must have passion,” explains Anderson.

Why even get married?

People have started to question whether traditional marriage even fits into the hustle and bustle of modern life.

With the high amounts of divorce, cheating and changes in sexual habits, Anderson stresses that, “It’s very clear that our model of having sex and love with just one other person for life has failed â€" and it has failed massively.”

Dr. Greer has a different view of traditional marriage: “If you have a shared history, support, family, beliefs and connection, you can have a life-long relationship. As years go by, people change and grow, and it’s important for relationships to grow as well.”

To avoid the monotony of marriage and the subsequent seeking of affairs, Dr. Greer stresses the importance of paying attention to your partner. “Hearing what your partner wants, especially sexually, will bring understanding to the relationship and facilitate growth.”

Compromise is also extremely important. You might not want to bring the same things to the bedroom, but it’s important listen to the needs of your partner. And if you’re the one craving to heat things up, it’s important to communicate your desires with your partner.

Source: huffpost

]]> UACE 2020: UNEB to brief Education Minister over candidates performance on Wednesday, results likely to be released this week Mon, 16 Aug 2021 08:05:53 +0000 The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) will this Wednesday brief the Minister of Education and Sports Janet Kataha Museveni on the performance of candidates who sat for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) in 2020.

This is in line with the mandate of the Board. The UNEB delegation will be led by the Chairperson of the Board, Prof. Mary J.N. Okwakol and the UNEB Executive Director Dan N. Odongo.

One of the expected outcomes of the brief meeting with the Minister is announcement of the official date for the release of the results.

“UNEB will be briefing the Minister of Education and Sports on the UACE2020 results on Wednesday, 18th August 2021. Thereafter, the date for releasing of the results will be communicated,” the Ministry of Education wrote.

Meanwhile, the results are likely to be released this week, probably on Friday.

]]> Museveni has been a conman all his life, he should tell us who killed Kayiira- Bobi Wine Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:31:07 +0000 Uganda’s main opposition figure Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine has claimed President Yoweri Museveni has been a conman all his life.

Reacting to the President’s Saturday security address to the nation, Bobi Wine said he was shocked by what was coming out of Mr Museveni’s mouth whom he described as a hypocrite and a conman.

During his televised speech, the President condemned and lashed out at Uganda’s security forces for using excessive violence against citizens.

He blamed “indiscipline” and “laziness” among state forces for incidents that resulted in the death of Ugandans.

“There should be no killing of any Ugandan for any reason other than in war or when condemned by a court,” Museveni said.

However, according to Bobi Wine, in his address, Museveni was speaking like an opposition activist against his own government.

“When I watched that address, I couldn’t believe that it was the Museveni we know speaking though we know he is a hypocrite. He was speaking like an Opposition activist. He knows what happens to dictators, he is seeing what could befall him and he is now trying to run away from his atrocities,” the National Unity Platform (NUP) leader said during an interview with NTV on Monday.

Bobi Wine also claimed that in his speech, Museveni was just pretending to be on the side of ordinary Ugandans because security operatives kill and torture people on his behalf.

“The people who have been battering Ugandans have done it on camera, how come no one has been reprimanded? He is just pretending, we know he loves the violence.Now he is trying to wash his hands clean but it’s too late. Museveni has been a con man all his life. He says he doesn’t murder political opponents but he can’t tell the world who killed Andrew Lutaakome Kayiira. He should be ashamed of himself,” the former presidential candidate noted.

“He is doing what the Amin regime did and he has even done worse, he has no moral authority to even talk about Amin or compare us to him. If hypocrisy was a person, that would be President Museveni.”

]]> OFWONO OPONDO: Journalists have become second to moneylenders in tormenting MPs Mon, 16 Aug 2021 05:54:38 +0000 At parliament all seems not be on well as reports emerge from the corridors that the journalists posted there have built a very bad, unethical and unprofessional reputation of demanding, in fact, extorting money and other favours from members of parliament (MPs) in return for favorable coverage. Of course we expect them to vigorously deny but the evidence emerging where journalists still in active service at parliament have recently been appointed as aides, media and political assistants, or even bag carriers offer some pointers.

The overwhelmingly slant and superficial coverage of the just concluded presidential and parliamentary elections is another good pointer that today’s news-people, passing for professional journalists are, perhaps, only journeymen in this trade, supposedly the watchdog over public power.

The above is further buttressed by out of depth public discourse that go for frontline political stories coming from parliamentary business on a daily basis, every week, and throughout the year that for long hasn’t been exposing the rot inside parliament. And to that extent, journalists covering parliament have short-changed the public, and all the while, their bosses, the news editors and media executives appear either unaware or have simply given up on professional supervisory role, after-all many of the news reporters are either paid peanuts or freelances left to apply their own wits.

Stories abound that because of a liberalized world, most media houses, especially radio and television stations, and the mushrooming online media mostly use freelance ‘journalists’ to gather and send them stories. No wonder, what goes as news stories is often more of salacious gossip, unverified rumours or slander than journalistic work backed by verified facts, hence, giving even social media platforms with no credible standing some relevance as they compete as to who breaks the story.

In the last parliament, journalists there had a war over whether MPs press conferences are orgainsed by Parliament’s Communication department or the parliamentary press association claiming that it should be left to them because they needed close liaison with MPs, and they took the day. But the real intention, it has emerged, was the need for direct ‘facilitation’ from MPs for covering the event, without which most journalists would leave the story unreported.

The bad habits of corridor journalism as opposed to following up issues in the plenary and reading long Committee reports, is reported to have morphed into waylaying MPs with the offer that to be featured on a news bulletin, they have to part with money. MPs who haven’t spoken in a committee or plenary are quoted usually, out of context from corridors because they have paid. Here, the parliament Hansard, is available for cross-checking with. If an MP doesn’t pay upfront, it becomes a debt and the journalists pursue them wherever they are. Playing hide and seek, from incessant phone calls, many MPs become fugitives sometimes absconding from Parliament altogether. In a away journalists have become second to moneylenders in tormenting MPs.

It said that journalists have devised a scheme of hopping from office to office, MP to MP, suggesting they become either media or political assistants with claims that they understand both terrains well. And never mind that Parliament has a fully-fledged research department with qualified researchers who appreciate the issues in parliament than journalists who have abandoned their duty for petty pursuits. In doing so, the journalists want to become part and parcel of the institution they should play watchdog over.

Some journalists have proposed to offer political consultancy services for some MPs and other political offices, which as journalists they are supposed to hold to account. If journalists take this route they will be unable to perform their role while keeping within the boundary of professional ethics because they are leading themselves to the ground of compromise.

During the 10th parliament most journalists including their leadership, took sides which is why many excesses at Parliament went unreported. They also took turns hounding then Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah and gave him a blackout. Instead of standing a respectable distance from MPs to give the country a correct picture of what obtains in parliament, journalists have become a headache to MPs because their extortionist conduct goes unchecked.

It would be perfect for them to make the bold career decision of quitting the profession to become full-time consultants and compete with others in the field, or officially become handlers of MPs at an arrangement of mutual interest and leave journalism to those interested in the profession. To stay in active journalism and hold MPs at ransom and become a pain to be avoided by MPs is the worst that should happen.

It’s important for MPs to learn the dynamics of the media and appreciate that when they read, research and ground themselves well in the art of public speaking and presentation both in the committees and plenary, media coverage will be a given. But when MPs avoid reading the lengthy but vital reports of Committees, avoid the parliamentary library or other self-enrichment initiatives, they will remain insignificantly in the corridors and will be easily forgotten.

]]> Fraudulent characters disorganizing Uganda’s telecom industry exposed at ZTE as MTN makes loss worth billions of shillings Sun, 15 Aug 2021 19:08:33 +0000 By Del Wilbert Omony

Police is investigating a racket which has been causing MTN Uganda massive losses as contractors associated with Chinese telecom equipment maker, ZTE Uganda are charged over theft, fraud and malicious vandalism.

Its alleged that the employees of a contractor of ZTE Uganda, a maintenance contractor of MTN have over the years been swindling the telecom’s working materials such as optic fiber cables, PVC ducts /pipes and other related telecom accessories. The stolen materials are estimated to be worth billions of shillings.

The erroneous act has been going on for about three years.

It has been established that ZTE Uganda is at the verge of losing out its relationship (contract) from MTN since its department including transmission and optimization have all been infiltrated by fraudsters. Among the senior ZTE officials implicated in this mega scam is a one optimization Engineer in the name of Hillary Imalingati who has since been laid off his duties and being investigated.

One of the arrested ZTE employees

Others include the head technical team Engineer Muwanga Paul who has since recorded his statement at the police Special Investigations Directorate at Kireka after one of his accomplices was tricked by the client (MTN) in a mega wrecked material supply deal of Shs132 million in the names of Lubega Jimmy who has since appeared before Nakawa Magistrates court.

MTN Uganda has thrived on its outspokenness against fraud which makes one wonder how the unprofessionalism at ZTE has lived to grow with time to the extent of individuals being more powerful than the institution itself hence causing a lot of questions at the Clement hill based ZTE headquarters.

Question is can ZTE survive these trying moments when its contract with MTN is bound for renewal? It has been also authoritatively established that the ZTE lines manager who is also the person responsible for the welfare of all regional Engineers including: Renting houses,
Renting storage facilities for materials,
Determining who works in which region, has accumulated enormous wealth at the expense of the firm (ZTE) being not realistic with its work schemes hence demotivating the entire field teams and rendering MTN the expense of paying for what has not been done and causing national economic sabotage.

MTN Uganda’s stolen materials

Our sources in this investigative operation have since discovered that on a number of times because of lack of professionalism in the schemes of work of ZTE ,MTN network has suffered intended sabotage which includes cable cutting intentionally for purposes of creating work for the field teams with an ultimate goal of making quick returns since the lines manager on the network doesn’t meet the requirements in terms of the fieldworks teams’ renumerations.

The case under investigations is registered under police reference GEF 141/2021 at SID Kireka.

]]> 5 reasons why women are attracted to married men Sun, 15 Aug 2021 17:39:34 +0000 It’s not just in your head. Single women are more attracted to you now that you’re married (and, yeah, a bit of a fat guy). That’s probably thanks to mate-choice copying, a biological process that exists across species, in which females are more attracted to males based on the endorsement of a third party. Now, this effect is less about home-wrecking and more about sharing notes, according to most studies. Regardless, there certainly seem to be biological advantages to being pre-approved. Here are a few:

Mate-Choice Copying in Humans May Be Specific to Women

While there’s plenty of evidence that mate-copying takes place in both sexes among animals, there’s preliminary evidence that the effects are more distinct in human women. One study published in PLOS One found that women considered coupled men more attractive and spent significantly more time looking at pictures of potential suitors when they were depicted as married or in a relationship. The effect did not extend to men looking at paired women â€" so mate-choice copying does not explain the whole MILF thing.

Not Just Some Women â€" Most Women

One recent study presented a photograph of a man to college women, and found that 90 percent of them were attracted to the man even after they were told that he was in a relationship. But when the women were told that he was single, only about 59 percent were interested. “The single women really, really liked the guy when he was taken,” co-author Melissa Burkley of Oklahoma State University, told the New Scientist

But They Typically Grow Out of It

Younger and presumably less experienced women are more likely to be attracted to married men, according to at least one study. The research, published in the journal Human Nature, supports the prevailing theory among evolutionary biologists that mate-choice copying has something to do with another woman cosigning a man as “safe.” Conversely, mature, experienced women may have developed more sophisticated ways of assessing potential mates. Interestingly, the same study reveals that the influence of mate-choice copying appears to have its limits, and when men were depicted as having five past relationships, even inexperienced women knew enough to tap out. A man on his first marriage is far more attractive than a man on his fifth.

It All Depends on How Good-Looking Your Spouse Is

The stock of a taken man seems to be boosted not by his own good looks, but by the appeal of his partner, research shows. The study found that, when people were coupled with a more attractive mate, the mate-choice copying effect grew stronger. So the good news is that you married out of your league. The bad news is that this makes single women wonder if they missed something when they gave you the once-over.

They Ultimately Still Respect the Ring

Unlike other experiments that assessed attractiveness based on pictures and written scenarios, one study had women interact with men who were wearing wedding rings, and then interact with men who were not. When researchers asked a series of questions afterward, women reported that men without wedding bands were more attractive than married men. And when they were asked who they’d rather have dinner with, have sex with, start a relationship with, or invite home, ringless men won out across all four domains.


]]> Tamale Mirundi reveals why government should be very careful while dealing with Lumbuye issues Sun, 15 Aug 2021 11:13:10 +0000 Former Senior Presidential Press Secretary Joseph Tamale Mirundi has warned government not to rash while dealing with the issue of the embattled Turkey based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye.

During an interview with local YouTube channel-Online Media Uganda on Saturday, Mirundi said even if government arrests, tortures or silences Lumbuye, there will always be another version of him who will also give them (government) headache.

“You can’t just wake up and fight someone who has a following of 120,000 people plus. Such a man is not a fool. In fact, the government is lucky that they have this man. This is now a new wave for those not happy with the government to create other people like Lumbuye because they have discovered that such talks like that of Lumbuye annoy the government,” the controversial political analyst noted.

“…. therefore arresting Lumbuye would mean that his talks are authentic. Government must also inquire from its intelligence who is behind this man and why his message is loved by such big number of people. And the government should be very careful by not handling this issue lightly.Now that you have oppressed people to their bone marrow, they have lost trust in credible people, they are trusting people like Lumbuye, and I don’t think that it’s walk over because I’m sure people who have been sponsoring him are here, therefore they will create millions of Lumbuye. Don’t joke with social media many people have used it to dethrone governments.”

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested in Turkey from where he was broadcasting his hard-hitting youtube videos targeting the government of Uganda and Buganda Kingdom officials.

According to the Observer Newspaper, the blogger was flown back to Uganda  on 8 August 2021 but the airport manifest for August 7-8 was allegedly confiscated by Special Forces Command (SFC).

According to security sources, Lumbuye arrived in the country aboard Turkish Airlines, which touched down at Entebbe International Airport on Saturday at around 3 am.

He was held at the police station in the passenger terminal for two hours where he was interrogated and whisked off to Kampala. Multiple security sources say that Lumbuye was escorted by Turkish security operatives who took him through immigration and the police station for clearance.

]]> Solomon Muyita resigns as Judiciary Communications Officer, joins Energy Ministry Sun, 15 Aug 2021 09:44:45 +0000 Solomon Muyita has quit his job as the Principal Communications Specialist at the Judiciary.

Muyita officially handed over his office on Friday. He now moves to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development as its new publicist.

“Comrades, on August 13, I officially handed over my duties @JudiciaryUG. It’s been an incredible 6-year journey as Judiciary’s pioneer professional Spox. I want to say #THANKYOU. I will now focus on my new publicist role at @energyministry. Looking forward to the usual support,”Muyita tweeted on Saturday.

Before joining the Judiciary, Muyita worked as Station Manager for now defunct WBS TV (November 2013-December 2014).

He also worked as Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Specialist at British American Tobacco Uganda (Aug 2010 â€" Jul 2013).

Muyita also worked at Daily Monitor and Vision Group as a reporter.


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