Letters to the Editor Aug 11

Re “Midtown bike lane pilot project causing increased traffic congestion and pollution†(Brynn Lackie, July 17): I support the new bike lanes on Yonge St. For those of us who live north of Bloor, they make it convenient and safe to take in the great shopping and dining along Yonge by bike. Yes, I own a car, but my concerns about pollution and climate mitigation have me leaving it at home as often as possible. My only criticism is that the bike lanes don’t go far enough â€" I’d like to see them support the businesses north of Eglinton Ave., too.
Holly Reid
(We don’t share your enthusiasm and really hope they are only temporary)
Re “This is Foolish. Full Stop. Period†(Editorial, Aug. 3): I wish this online editorial had the author’s name printed. It would be nice to know if it is a man taking offence to this â€" in which case they have no voice in the matter â€" or an overly-sensitive woman who really needs to relax and stop looking for offence and have gratitude that people are fighting a fight that our mothers and grandmothers could not. I would guess the latter given recent “woke†culture that everyone has to find offence somewhere. The fact that sanitary products are now being viewed as a necessity of life for women is a crucial conversation with regards to women’s equality. This is in no way offensive, nor is it “Big Brother†saying we cannot provide for ourselves. It is a step for women’s equality. They are as essential as toilet paper is for everyone. Would the author also have this essential sanitary item taken away from public and employer bathrooms? Do they feel the same way that “Big Brother†is saying every human cannot take care of their hygiene in this manner? How about all of the hand sanitizer during COVID? I’m sure that the author also has a career and a budget and can provide these items for themselves. Then the author states women need to budget better? Now that is insulting, infantilizing and extremely insensitive. Maybe we should put vending machines for toilet paper in every washroom and have everyone pay for this themselves? Thoughts, anonymous author?
Article contentLeah McNally
Apple Hill, Ont
(It still doesn’t take away from the overall point that women don’t need the government intervening)
Prime Minister Trudeau is eager to push through legislation that will supply free menstrual products to female workers, but why discriminate? All hygienic products should be added. This would include Kleenex tissues, swabs, adult diapers and liners, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash and of course toilet paper. All of these products will be available for every employee to take home with them for use, as surely the menstrual products will also be used at home. Isn’t socialism wonderful?
Tom C. Newell
Niagara Falls, Ont.
(Trudeau‘s government is only doing this to act even more woke)
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