Letters to the Editor July 27

Article contentIt is par for the course that the sheeple of Canada seemingly still support Trudeau. Given that most people are incapable of thinking for themselves and running their own lives, they need the Liberals to direct their every move. Now that most teachers from kindergarten on up and most university professors only espouse leftist views and denounce critical thinking; that the mass media is totally incapable of objective thought (except for only a few outlets i.e., the Sun) and incessantly push their Marxist agenda onto the public; the so-called “mob†rules in that we have this “cancel†culture tearing down everything “they†deem offensive â€" where will it ever end â€" is it is any wonder we have a population that is willing to accept a leader that pretends to be so virtuous but who now holds the distinction of the first and only prime minister found guilty three times in conflict of interest and federal ethics violations? The people of Canada need to wake up and see that he is morphing this country into a socialist dictatorship with governmental control over all aspects of your lives. Bill C-10 is a prime example of this overreach where you can be fined for stating your opinion if it doesn’t fall under the “guidelines†of some Liberal bureaucrat. His carbon tax policy will eventually wipe out the oil and gas industry in this country. And lastly, we cannot forget his complete bungling of the pandemic which falls in line with his admiration for China.
Article contentRichard Roher
(Trudeau has handed out hundreds of billions of dollars and for many voters that will be just enough for them to support the Liberals in the next election. We will be doing our best to remind Canadians just how much damage his policies have done to our country)
Re “Ford, Trudeau governments poised to partner up on made-in-Ontario childcare program†(Brian Lilley, July 17): Are Canadians going to fall for another huge, blatant Trudeau election bribe? Ask yourself where these billions of dollars are coming from â€" out of the pockets of your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the form of never-ending taxes. What does our debt stand at now? The interest rates will inevitably rise. Justin is printing so much money inflation is going to skyrocket. If our dollar is worth less, that will make every consumer product more expensive. This prime minister is in league with the UN’s great global reset where our borders will be destroyed just like the Biden administration is now trying to accomplish in the U.S. With our borders torn down, our sovereignty ends. The British got out with Brexit because they were under the thumb of a bunch of paper-pushing bureaucrats whose goal was to control even the minutest details of every person’s life. Wake up, Canada â€" we are about to lose all our rights and freedoms, and for what? Do not fall for the Liberal swan song. Their goal is to control everything in our life. We will forever be serfs to the ever-expanding behemoth of a Marxist Liberal government! The protests in communist Cuba should jar every Canadian’s mind.
Carol Joseph
(One would think it would, but most people are not partisan and look at things through the lens of their own current circumstances)
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