Burglary gang tried to raid Lostock homes

A BURGLARY gang who spent a night unsuccessfully targetting houses in Lostock was caught after eagle eyed residents called police.

While Rebecca Moody acted as lookout, Daniel Daniels, Ryan Daniels and Liam Williams went around properties in Pendennis Avenue and Lomond Place, Ladybridge, trying house door handles and cars.

At their sentencing hearing at Bolton Crown Court John Richards, prosecuting, told how police received phone calls from residents on July 8, 2019.

"Concerns were expressed that a group were loitering on the street, trying the doors of houses and cars," said Mr Richards.

At around 2am police found the gang nearby on Rumworth Road. Williams had a glove and a face covering and Moody also had gloves and two keys on her.

Several days after the arrests a householder discovered a dagger and Daniel Daniels' fingerprints were found on it.

Mr Richards told how, in Lomand Place, a neighbour saw three people go down the side of the house and the rear door handle was later found to be broken off.

At Pendennis Avenue, neighbour also saw several people heading towards the back of a house and over a fence.

"One member of the group, who was noticeably smaller than the others, kept watch before before following. It is clear that was Moody," said Mr Richards.

The house owners were away and when they returned they found a broken bottle on their patio, although no damage was caused.

Mr Richards said that, as the gang walked around the estate, they took possessions from cars parked on driveways, including a satchel and mobile phone form a Vauxhall Insignia and sat nave from a Seat Ibiza.

"The property was left in a garden by Moody shortly before her arrest," said Mr Richards.

A Ford Focus owner spotted Williams sitting inside his car but the thief ran off empty-handed when disturbed.

After they initially denied committing the crimes the gang pleaded guilty, on the day of trial, admitting attempting to burgle the properties.

Additionally, Moody pleaded guilty to handling a stolen satchel, lap top and sat nav, Williams admitted attempting to steal items from a car and Daniel Daniels pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in public.

The court heard that Moody, aged 22, of Watson Road, Farnworth, and Ryan Daniels, Ryan Daniels, aged 22, of Crummock Grove, Farnworth are of previous good character and have not committed offences since.

Marianne Alton, defending Ryan Daniels told the Honorary Recorder of Bolton, Judge Martin Walsh: "Immaturity was undoubtedly a factor in the commission of these offences.

Thomas Worsfold, for Moody, said that, at the time the painter and decorator was having difficulties at home and suffered a relationship break-up.

He added that the burglaries will be "a blot on her copy book but hopefully not more than that".

Judge Walsh sentenced Ryan Daniels and Moody to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months and ordered them each to undertake 120 hours of unpaid work and 20 days of rehabilitation activities.

Daniel Daniels, aged 23, of Crummock Grove, Farnworth, is currently serving a prison sentence for robbery and is due to be released in October, after which he will remain on licence until 2023.

Judge Walsh commented that, as he will be supervised in community already for a lengthy period it is not in the public interest to extend his time in prison for the burglaries.

He was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison.

The sentence of Williams, aged 23, of Whittle Street, Worsley, was adjourned until August 13 to allow reports about him to be prepared by the probation service.

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